We made love a couple times on Saturday and it was sweet and left me feeling incredibly relaxed and sated. I also got to massage her some and spent a while not rubbing but just stroking her skin. When we first were dating, I'd spend hours at that, so it brought back a lot of romantic feelings of adoration.
We have a houseguest coming tomorrow and staying for a week, so I expect that will keep everything at this very slow pace for the time being. I still feel good about how this going and am very hopeful that it can grow and enrich our marriage for us both.
Hi i am enjoying your little blog. I am wife led as well and if you would like an invite to my blog send me an email at:
I'd like to chime in and say that I'm enjoying your story as well -- it sounds like even if she doesn't want it to be an acknowledged, full-fledged WLM she definitely knows how to take what she wants. I hope to hear how this progresses to her really enjoying her status!